UV Curing for Wood Finishing? Absolutely the right method!
A cost-effective and very attractive means to sealing any and all types of wood finishes is Ultraviolet curing. While the old method may have been to let the finish dry naturally, the more intelligent choice is the use of an Ultraviolet Curing System. Many Guitar Luthiers have a smaller Handheld UV Curing System in place for smaller areas. Wood flooring and wood cabinet finishers are more likely to have larger Finishing Systems made by Cefla, Dubois, Finrose, and Delle Vedove. Another important point is to make sure to change out the UV Reflector along with the lamp, as it is responsible for 70% of the light’s emittance and can have a direct affect on curing and lamp longevity. Probably the most important reason to convert to UV would be the elimination of VOC’s, or Volatile Organic Compounds, which can lead to indoor contamination, a hazard to all indoor environments. In summary, using a UV Curing System to cure and dry your wood finishing products is the smart and eco-friendly choice. Here’s to a beautiful home, product and life!

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