Curing UV Lamps
UV Lamp Inquiry Form
There are many UV Lamps that we currently carry but do not have on the website. However, the more information you provide us, the quicker we can get a replacement lamp out to you. If you can submit a completed Lamp Spec Form, that will be very helpful as well. If all this is a bit too much work, feel free to call us at 800.977.7292 and we will do the work for you!
Why buy your UV curing lamps and reflectors from
CureUV supplies replacement UV curing lamps for every UV system and printer at a fraction of the OEM's cost. We also offer the aluminum UV reflectors, dichroic quartz reflectors, UV cold and hot mirrors, and quartz plates delivered in a much shorter time period at a much better price.
CureUV is not affiliated with or endorsed by any other OEM company mentioned on this website, unless otherwise specified. All brand names used on this website are only intended to show compatibility of our replacement lamp and reflector brand with any OEM brand name system or printer, and to ease navigation of the website. All product images are those of our compatible brand discount lamps and reflectors. All brand names and trademarks are the property of their respective holders. We do not sell original manufacturer brand AAA, Aetek, Agfa, Air Motion, Amba, American Ultraviolet, Amjo, Anderson Group, Aradiant, Barberan, Brewer, Cefla, CET Color, ColorSpan, Delle Vedove, Dilli, Dorn/SPE, DuBois, DuPont, Durst, EFI, Electech, Eltosch, Eye/Origin, Finrose, Fujifilm, Fusion UV, Gallus, Gandinnovations, Gerber Scientific, GEW, Giardina, Grafix, Guann Yinn/Hanky, Hanovia, HAPA, Heraeus, Hewlett-Packard (HP), Honle UV, Inca, Integration Technology, Isimat, IST, Iwasaki, Jelight, Kase, Koenig & Bauer, Komori, Ko-Pack, Lawson, Leggett & Platt, Liberty, M&R, Makor, Manroland, Mark Andy, Matan, MetalBox, MGI, Miltec, Mimaki, Muller, Mutoh, Natgraph, Nilpeter, Nordson, NUR, Oce, OnLine Energy, Polytype, Prime UV, Printing Research, Qingdao, Siasprint, Singulus, Sun Chemical, Superfici, Svecia, Tec Lighting, Teckwin, Theimer, Thieme, Ultralight, Usital, UV III, UVEXS, UViterno, UV Research, UVT, Voltarc, VTI, VUTEk, Webtron, and Zund lamps or reflectors.