Leveraging UV-C Technology in Horticulture

Eliminate Powdery Mildew, Unwanted Scents, and other Contaminants from Your Grow Operation

UV-C in your grow operation is the only completely chemical-free way to eliminate contaminants and powdery mildew from your plants and your end product

Mold and Fungi in the Vegetation Phase

Whether you are growing strawberries, tomatoes, or just about anything, it is likely that you have to deal with gray mold, black spot, and powdery mildew at some point. The moisture and climate that is best suited for plant growth just overlaps too significantly with the ideal nesting ground for these microbial parasites. Some genetic strains are more susceptible to these crop destroying parasites but even resistant strains can fall victim to them. Luckily they all react well to careful and minuscule UV-C irradiation.

Why Use GermAwayUV's Products as Opposed to Standard Fungicides?

Although fungicides have been commercially available for decades, as time has progressed, the vast majority of strains have developed substantial resistances to even the harshest fungicides. Additionally, the chemicals used in the fungicides can contaminate the plants that they are trying to rid of these fungal parasites.

When you use ultraviolet light in the UV-C segment of the spectrum, the DNA of the mildew is broken down and rendered harmless without contaminating the host plant with potentially harmful chemicals.

“Flowers pollinated with UV-C/dark treated pollen produced fruit not distinguishable from those pollinated with untreated pollen, there were no signs of any toxicity to leaves on plants with UV-C/dark treatment, as typically excessive UV radiation cause leaves to turn brown. We even observed some increase in yield on UV-C/dark treated fruit...”

----Dr. Wojciech Janisiewicz, USDA Agricultural Research Service

How Much UV-C Is the Right Amount ?

Everybody's horticultural set up is different. Plant growth and harvesting is something that allows us to be creative while still scientific. Unfortunately, this also means that without taking some samples and measurements, nobody is able to tell you exactly how much UV-C light needs to be used to eliminate your fungal or bacterial parasites. If you use too much UV-C, you may cause damage to your plants. Not enough and you won't sufficiently eliminate the resistant molds that attack your plants. Luckily, figuring out how is a very simple way to find your exact numbers without putting your plants at risk! Give us a call 1-800-977-7292 and we will set up a call with an application specialist to help you figure out what´s right for your set up.

“In addition to the development of resistance to fungicides in major pathogens of strawberries, the use of fungicides in a fast-growing protective culture such as high tunnels is limited or prohibited, and a rapidly growing organic market demands fruit free of synthetic pesticide residues.”

--Dr. Wojciech Janisiewicz, USDA Agricultural Research Service

We would love to help you out!

Since every set up is different, we understand a bit of consultation would be welcome. Please feel free to call us at 1-800-977-7292 or email us at sales@cureuv.com and we'll get you in touch with one of our application specialists!

GermAwayUV Microbial Disinfection HVAC Coil Scrubber for Horticulture


GermAwayUV Modular UV-C Irradiation System


GermAwayUV Targeted Microbial Eliminator


Decorative UV Fly Trap Wall Sconce - 50 Watts
