Aetek 6818A432 Replacement Lamp
Aetek 6818A432 Replacement Lamp
Aetek 6818A432 Replacement Lamp
The Aetek 6818A432 Replacement Lamp is a high performance lamp that has an output of 281 WPI. The 625 mm long lamp bulb has matched HG spectral output that ensures shorter curing time and better curing results.
The UV systems from Aetek, is a leading international company that offers environmentally-friendly components. To maintain an effective curing system, it is very important to maintain a good quality UV bulb. When you have a high quality replacement bulb, it results in fewer bulb change and lesser operating costs. Our UV curing bulb is designed to maximize UV curing concentration and total lamp life over time. The high spectral output of the UV curing bulb gives the maximum ability to cure UV adhesives and coatings.
Technical Specifications:
- Wattage: 5400 W
- Power Density: 111W/cm
- Spectrum: HG
- Total Length: 625 mm
- Arc Length: 486 mm
- End Cap: Metal M1
- Terminal: Metal End
- Lifetime: 600 hours
Note: stocks generic products that are 100% compatible with the original equipment.